I have visceroptosis and gastroptosis (related to my ME/CFS and possible hEDS) and it's SO HARD to find any info on it. Thanks for writing about it!

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I was just hunting for more info on this an hour or two before you posted it!

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I am looking for a surgeon, anywhere on this planet, that has the complex surgical expertise to fix my visceroptosis. I seem to have exhausted all options within Canada and at this point, I would go anywhere. The challenge is finding that person. If you have any suggestions or leads for me to pursue, I would be immensely grateful. Please email me at allegraduvall@hotmail.com if you do. Many thanks.

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I appreciate this article!! I had been told the reason I wake up yelling in pain from my colonoscopies is because I have a “loopy droopy“ and “twisty” colon. And after years of pain and no answers and then doctors accusing me of being an alcoholic after acute pancreatitis (I have like 3 glasses of wine/year), I finally heard the actual scientific name— Visceroptosis on a Bendy Bodies podcast episode (#79). Then I found your article. So helpful to know that there is a term and even though there is no treatment, I am able to give my GI a “heads up” before my next colonoscopy (this Friday.) The GIs always write on my colonoscopy reports that its difficult to do my colonoscopies. Makes me wonder if they are injuring me . I hope this information at least better prepares the next one.

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Do you recommend a doctor? I have EDS and stoma issues and I think this may be related any help you can give would be appreciated

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I just learned about Visceroptosis from a Bendy Bodies podcast interview (#79) with Dr Leonard Weinstock. He may be someone to reach out to?

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This is really interesting. I've long suspected that the prolapse I have is linked to the fact I have bendy joints.

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Interesting! On a related topic, are Bochdalek hernias more common in hEDS?

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